Saturday, July 9, 2011


So what was it all about this 500 miles marathon?

Well it wasn't about hiking every step of the GR10. Basically we intended to walk from the Atlantic to the Med mainly along the GR10 but without slavishly staying with the route. We modified our schedule to accomodate our available time (47 days), and the weather.

Scattering Matt's ashes on Iguzki at the Atlantic end and Canigou near the Med in some ways defined Matt's March although there was around a week of walking either before or after these points.

Speaking personally this was the hardest physical challenge that I had ever set myself and there were lots of occassions, especially early on, when I did not think that I was going to make it. Carrying a 20kg pack over broken country with a daily schedule of 20km along, 1km up and 1km down is a punishing routine day after day. The trip stripped 1.5st off my body weight. I know at the begining that I was walking bent almost double under the pack looking mainly at my feet, but by the end was able to walk upright and see the scenery.

Every day there were enjoyable periods but I'd be lying if I said that I enjoyed every moment of every day. It was hard and every day presented a fresh challenge.

However it was an adventure that was completely Matt from start (biting off a lot more than we could chew) to the end (patting ourselves on the back in the pub). Virtually every day one of us would say to the other, "Matt would so have enjoyed this!"

Would I do it again?
No, but I'm so glad that I managed to do it once and the memories will live with me for ever.
Being able to complete the journey that I had discussed with Matt, with Sarah, was a priviledge. I know that it meant an awful lot to her to complete this marathon in her brother's place.

PS  I know that lots of people had trouble leaving comments on the blog. If you have un-answered questions regarding the blog or simply want to get in contact you can reach me on

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