Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Days 9 & 10. Lots of up; lunar cloudscapes and electrocution!!

Spoke to the troops on the phone tonight; they have more tales to tell, and are sounding remarkable cheery.

Tuesday 24th May
Tuesday's 20k walk  included LOTS of "up", but was blessed for most of the day with thick mist, so the temperature was much more comfortable. Right at the top of the walk, they emerged from the cloud near the peak to a magical view; looking down on the clouds below; only interrupted by other peaks peeking out all around through clouds in the distance. Sounds quite eerie.
Tuesday night was spent camping in the middle of nowhere, and Rick is continuing to entertain Sarah - not with imaginative snoring this time, but with tales of strange dreams. (he puts it down to the altitude!) Apparently he was in a Medeival play, but not too taxing a role, as he had the part of a corpse (with a wooden leg). One would think he could just relax at this stage, but he had 4 lines to say at the end of the play, and couldn't remember them. So spent the whole production trying to work out how he could get hold of a script. From his coffin. Perculiar thing, altitude!

Wednesday 25th may
Wednesday was sunny and HOT again, and another 20k acheived. Only half of yesterdays amount of "up" but felt just as strenuous because of the temperature. The scenery has been getting increasingly stunning, and it sounds as if they are finding the walking more comfortable as fitness levels improve and consolidate.
French farmers take little notice of footpath rules or walkers rights of way apparently, as our intrepid walkers discovered when both received shocks from a live electric fence erected accross the route. Happily I can report that both are unscathed, (which is more than I can say for the electric fence which met with a little accident I understand).
Tonight they reached a small hamlet, checked into a hostel and found a delicious Table d'hote supper with a group of other walkers. Very satisfactory end to the day, swapping tales of derring do over good local food & wine with like-minded nutcases!

Tomorrow they set off on a remote leg of the route; and are not expecting to reach habitation for the next three days. There are electric thunderstorms forecast tomorrow (makes a change from fences!), so am not expecting to have any further contact until Saturday evening. Goodness knows what Rick will come up with next to keep Sarah entertained. Watch this space.

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