Saturday, June 25, 2011

Signing off

Evening of Saturday 25th June

Sue here, and signing off constant "update blog" duty - but only because am leaving Harrogate in the morning to collect the intrepid duo ( currently due to finish one day ahead of schedule, Friday 1st July) and administer balm to the blisters and sore bits!

Wish me luck.

Haven't driven on the "wrong side of the road" for years!!!


1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence! My wide and I had decided to finally start some real planning for what has ben a vague idea for just less than a year and found your excellent blog. We religiously read from the beginning, only noticing the dates of the entries mid-way. You can imagine our surprise to reach this page and find you are scheduled to arrive at the Mediterranean today. Congratulations on your accomplishment and thank you for providing such great information and, more importantly, inspiration.
